Structured to provide bespoke expertise, solutions and technology to facilitate the development of the
commodity value chains in Africa.
Commodities trading, Investment, and Financing business
Commodity Port was created out of a deep desire to tackle the inefficiencies and inequalities in the flow of information, resources and financing to producers and originators across the various commodity value chains.
The company provides investment facilitation and risk management services to trade and deliver physical commodities transactions, investments, and related projects.
Supporting Businesses In Meeting Commodity
Market Demands
Physical Trading of Commodities
Commodity Market, Research and Insight
Integrated Commodity Solutions and Technology
Marine and Logistics Support
We provide Data and Research
for informed decisions
Global Trade Insights
Economic Trends and Industry Dynamics
Reliable research powered by data, expertise, and rigorous analysis.
Market Opportunities
Macroeconomic projections driven by statistical and econometric models.
Commodity Market
Track commodities, spot trends, manage storage, and forecast prices to stay ahead of the markets.